Supportive Faculty

We know that making the transition to college is a big step. The faculty at Concordia truly care about your academic progress and are here to support you in all your academic pursuits. We'll help you discover your strengths and connect your passions to your life’s work.

In the Classroom

10 Min Read

From Pen and Paper to Multimedia Journalism

With more than a decade of journalism experience, Erin Hemme Froslie ’96 shares her knowledge with students.

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6 Min Read

Preparing Engaged Leaders

From teaching to his role in the Midwest Academy of Management, Dr. Shontarius Aikens understands the importance of a personalized classroom experience.

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Experiences Beyond the Classroom

Our faculty are researchers, artists, musicians, scholars, and authors, and regularly involve Concordia students in their research and creative endeavors — doing the kind of work that graduate students usually do. 

Working side by side with our accomplished faculty, you are sure to gain considerable advantages as you compete for prestigious graduate school placements and career opportunities.

Our faculty are widely respected in their fields and are always looking for new ways to pursue new accomplishments and demonstrate teaching and scholarly excellence for their students.

"We teach the whole student. With the way our world and economy is right now, we need graduates to be prepared for any number of outcomes and any number of opportunities."
Amy Watkin, English Professor

What separates the classroom experience at Concordia from those at other colleges and universities?